Solar District Club Team

The Cornell Energy Systems Club is putting together a team to compete in the Department of Energy’s (DOE) first annual Solar District Cup (SDC). The SDC challenges teams to design and model distributed solar energy and storage systems for existing, active electrical distributions districts. The project is extremely realistic and demands expertise in all fields needed to create and manage a grid - including but not limited to - electrical, mechanical and energy engineering, fine, urban planning and development, urban planning and development, and design. The SDC rewards competitor's work through recognition and direct exposure to DOE employees, dozens of other industry researchers, managers, and professional furthering renewable energy innovation, implementation, and finance. The competition difficulty is best matched with the upper undergraduate level, but university students of all levels (graduates included) are invited to participate if they are interested and capable. The competition's goal is to ready and introduce the next generation to the renewables landscape; therefore, this competition is valuable for anyone interested in that industry. More information including the rules and timeline can be found here. 

If you are interested in joining the Team, please click here to access the application.  

For further information, please email: